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Markets and FinancePlenum Notes
July 15, 2024

Domestic Demand Is Still Dragging

China’s GDP growth slowed in both real and nominal terms in Q2, and the GDP deflator has been negative for five straight quarters.
Markets and FinancePlenum Notes
July 10, 2024

The PBOC’s Unorthodox Tightening

The PBOC has laid out more details on its plan to short sell government bonds; the measures will tighten liquidity in the interbank market.
Markets and FinancePlenum NotesPolitics and Policy
July 8, 2024

Has China’s 5G Bet Paid Off?

China moved quickly to build a nationwide 5G network and became a global frontrunner; now, local telecoms are scaling back their investments.


Markets and FinancePlenum NotesPolitics and Policy
July 8, 2024

Has China’s 5G Bet Paid Off?

China moved quickly to build a nationwide 5G network and became a global frontrunner; now, local telecoms are scaling back their investments.
Markets and FinancePlenum NotesPolitics and Policy
July 4, 2024

China’s Chip Big Fund, Strengthened

China has launched a new, considerably larger phase of its semiconductor Big Fund.
Markets and FinancePlenum NotesPolitics and Policy
July 1, 2024

An Ailing Hong Kong Must Do More

Hong Kong’s economy has been sputtering since before Covid, and it has lagged other developed economies in the region.


Plenum NotesPolitics and PolicyU.S.-China
June 19, 2024

China Pushes for More Computing Power

To support the development of artificial intelligence, China has mapped out plans to bolster its computing power infrastructure.
Markets and FinancePlenum NotesU.S.-China
June 11, 2024

A Recap of Client Questions in Mid-2024

Plenum clients are overwhelmingly interested in China’s housing market and the implications of a potential second Trump term.
Plenum NotesU.S.-China
June 5, 2024

Apple’s Supply Chain Turns Back East

Geopolitical tensions and the pandemic triggered a diversification of Apple’s supply chain in 2021, but its move to the West appears to have been temporary.


June 27, 2024

Webinar: When Will China’s Housing Market Hit Bottom?

Chen Long presents the latest analysis on China's real estate sector and looks into questions on medium-term housing demand and when the market may start to bottom out.
May 21, 2024

Webinar: US Tariffs on China and the Housing Purchase Plan

Chen Long and Bo Zhengyuan discuss the implications of Biden's new Section 301 tariffs and the PBOC's plan to help local SOEs buy up unsold housing inventory.
April 22, 2024

Webinar: Q1 GDP Data, RMB Exchange Rate, and Excess Capacity

Plenum partner Chen Long discusses what the recently released Q1 GDP data say about the state of China's economy, talks about the RMB exchange rate, and explores the issue of excess capacity.