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Markets and FinancePlenum Notes
July 15, 2024

Domestic Demand Is Still Dragging

China’s GDP growth slowed in both real and nominal terms in Q2, and the GDP deflator has been negative for five straight quarters.
Markets and FinancePlenum Notes
July 10, 2024

The PBOC’s Unorthodox Tightening

The PBOC has laid out more details on its plan to short sell government bonds; the measures will tighten liquidity in the interbank market.


July 8, 2024 in Markets and Finance, Plenum Notes, Politics and Policy

Has China’s 5G Bet Paid Off?

China moved quickly to build a nationwide 5G network and became a global frontrunner; now, local telecoms are scaling back their investments.
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July 4, 2024 in Markets and Finance, Plenum Notes, Politics and Policy

China’s Chip Big Fund, Strengthened

China has launched a new, considerably larger phase of its semiconductor Big Fund.
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July 2, 2024 in Markets and Finance, Plenum Notes

Is the PBOC Doing a Reverse YCC?

A quick take on the PBOC's announcement that it will start borrowing CGBs.
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