After Liu retires, the Office will likely be headed by either He Lifeng or Han Wenxiu, each with different implications for the Office’s future.
The hierarchy includes rules that define each job and delineate the career pathways available to officials.
Local policies are more supportive of NEVs, not only via direct subsidies but also via infrastructure spending and city planning.
We do not believe there is a policy divergence between Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, despite popular speculation.
26 provinces have installed new provincial party secretaries since 2020; they will serve as the central-local ligaments during Xi’s third term.
Foreign firms continued to receive more scrutiny than Chinese peers, especially in the semiconductor industry, as Beijing attempted to secure a stable supply.
Chinese authorities are battling the spiraling medical costs of covid while rushing to contain the spread of the omicron variant.
The EU has acted less aggressively than the US, but the two are moving closer; China is unlikely to retaliate unless they cross the red lines such as Taiwan.
We explain how local governments function, how Beijing governs local governments, and what has changed over the years.